Monday, June 30, 2003

Goals. That's the thing this week. Setting goals. Daily, weekly, monthly, big, get it.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Dumb Move of the Week

I went to rent Just Married on $1 movie night at Blockbuster. Paid for the movie, took it home. Put Abby in bed and then went to grab the movie, it was Jackass: The Movie. Not exactly what I wanted to see. I've never done that before. I felt stupid.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Prov 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (italics mine)

I am a fool, because I despise discipline. Part of me craves it, and the procrastinating side of me hates it. I'm like Gollum. We hates the discipline. Anywho, this getting out of debt thing will require discipline. When you pray for discipline, God doesn't just give it to you. He gives you opportunities in your life to learn how to be disciplined. I can see many areas in my life where I have that opportunity. Money, Job, Health, and most importantly, time with God. Steps I've taken to be more disciplined: no more cokes, no more cable. Stop spending foolishly. Budgeting. But I've still ignored God, so none of this will last unless He becomes the focus. I don't want to be a fool. Not anymore.
Finally heard a song on WIKY that I liked. The Police's "I'll Be Watching You." Just a good sound. Then they had to follow it with Wake Me Up Before You Go Go....Choose Life, George Michael, Choose Life.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Proverbs 22
7 The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is servant to the lender.
It is done. Gone. No more. Now let's pay some bills, sucka!
Getting ready to turn in the cable box. Not sure how much I'll miss it. I'll miss all the Cardinal games, but the way they've been playing, maybe that's for the best. We can actually get some stuff done now.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Can there possibly be someone in the radio listening audience that said, "Man, I'm glad they played that Billy Ocean Get Out of My Dreams song today. I was waiting for that." I understand the need to play non-offensive no risk music on the station, but couldn't they update their playlist more than once a year. They add a country song here and there and lord knows they have to play Black Velvet 2 times a day. We need a jukebox in the office.
Really really need a radio. I can only handle so much Phil Collins in one day. I've had my "Phil" you could say.
I need to get a radio in here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

So, this blog thing isn't flowing like I thought it would. I have ideas of things to write about, but when I get to this page my brain freezes. Debt sucks. We still owe more on our car than it is worth and we want a different one. I just can't bring myself to get a newer car when we are upside down on this loan. Plus our car has lost like 75% of it's value from when we bought it. Not good. We were young and dumb, now I'm old and sorta dumb. I've been listening to Dave Ramsey on the way home from work and it gets me all fired up about getting out of debt, but when it comes down to sucking it up and sacrificing our quality of life, it's hard. We've already cut back on so much that more just seems unfair. I know my point of view is skewed, because people are starving in Africa or something, but the reality of it is what it is. In the end, talk is cheap and actions do something or another. Cliche mania running wild this Sunday Sunday Sunday. Still, it is confusing when you see people you know that have huge amounts of debt and they can still get loans anytime they want and we don't have that much in comparison but it's like pulling teeth to get a loan. What's up with that?

Monday, June 16, 2003

Well, we won the office olympics quite handily. I didn't have "fun" per se, but I did enjoy getting that $100 for winning. Now I can pay Shawn for that guitar. Things are getting hectic around the office. So much to do and so little focus sometimes. I get overloaded sometimes. Got convicted this weekend during the message from Pastor Dave about being a dreamer and not a doer, basically. Always saying that we'll do this and this and this, but never getting around to doing it. I'm guilty of that here at work. I have some good ideas, I think, and I tell them about it, but it doesn't get done. I'm renewing my efforts towards getting that done now. Man I really need to get back into a bible study. My prayer life and bible study have gone downhill fast. I need a good study to do, I think. Maybe I should go to promise keepers to recharge the old batteries. It's expensive, though. Who knows. Back to work with me.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Well, the Office Olympics is tonight. I'm a tad nervous. I've come to realize that I never enjoy myself in competition because I put too much pressure on myself to win. If I lose, I can't just say, "Well, I tried as hard as I could and that's all that matters." I just don't want to let the team down tonight. My fear of something new combined with my fear of failure is liable to make me a wreck out there tonight. Can it rain it out, please? Or maybe we should just get it over with. I need to prepare for these games a little more. Maybe that will help ease my mind. Nervous energy can be good, right?

Thursday, June 12, 2003

I was told I needed to post something. I changed my look to the blog because I was bored with the other one. Now I have to figure out what to put in the links section. I have nothing relevant to say at this point. Maybe at lunch...