Rick Warren says that our time here on earth is for character building and our relationship with God here will affect our relationship in heaven. I'm not sure what to think about that.
I know one thing, I used to think I knew things about christianity. Actually, I thought I was pretty smart. I thought I new the bible pretty well, I was pretty good at bible trivia, knew all the right answers in sunday school. I can talk the talk (posing I believe it's called) but I don't know a thing right now. I also know I can't make a linear thought in these blogs. I jump around. (Jump around)
So therefore, notwithstanding, heretofore, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I need to get involved with something. Volunteering. Get involved with my community. Do something for "the least of these", if you will. But what? Volunteer at the Christian Life Center? Impact ministries? Walk my neighbors dog? Do something at church? I feel like I want to do something outside of church (along with church) to reach some people that I wouldn't. It's easy just to give money, and that's important, but I need to do something. I feel shallow. Blah. Restless. Burned out. Maybe I should go on a missions trip. That almost seems to convenient though. What can I do in my own backyard? I need to do something that will affect my world I live in. Teach computers to the homeless or something. And what about the children? Is it irresponsible of me to do something with other kids that takes me away from my own? Big Brothers sounds cool, but I only have so much time in the day for my kids let alone someone elses. I used to like other people's kids until I had my own. What to do?