Friday, August 29, 2003

Ball = rolling. I contacted someone at church about the men's bible study thing. Left a message, actually. It's exciting. This has to be a God thing because I would never feel like doing this and yet here I am. I just pray that I do what I'm supposed to do. Part of something that Todd sent me really reasonated with me. It was a link to a max lucado article. The quote that hit me was :

Encourage the Christian to exalt mediocrity. Remind him daily of all the reasons he can't have an impact on the world (he's not bright enough, he doesn't have time, he was potty-trained too early, etc.).

A men's bible study. Why me? Surely someone else at church is doing this already? Who do I think I am to tell the church to do something like this. If they aren't doing it, surely there is a good reason as to why. Yet, I feel drawn to this. So many good studies. I just don't want to be a women's ministry tag-a-long anymore.
"If you have questions about gout, talk to your healthcare provider."

Thursday, August 28, 2003

So what to do, eh? Lately I've felt compelled to get some sort of Men's bible study thing going at church that's similar to the women's ministry. There are a couple of men's studies going on in conjunction with the Women's ministry. One is men only and the other is a couple's class. Laura and I are leading the couple's class. By couples I mean a couple of people....ha ha. I don't think this class was properly promoted. There are 3 or 4 guys in the class and about 6 women I think. In a church the size of CFC you'd think there would be more people signing up. Maybe there's a lack of promotion? Maybe the classes aren't interesting enough? Who knows? I do know that I need to do something about it. I really feel led to do it. I just need to figure out who to talk to at church to get something going.

I started the Jesus the One and Only study this morning. I forgot how the Beth Moore type studies are setup. She asks questions like a girl and my brain doesn't work like that so it took me a bit longer to get into the flow. I should be ok after a week or so off doing this study.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

What compels people to buy those "child molester" vans? You know the ones. The all white van's with no side windows and blacked out rear windows. Usually driven by a skinny bearded white dude that smokes. If these are business owned, shouldn't they put their logo on the side or something? Just for peace of mind...

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Time keeps on tickin, tickin, tickin, into the future. Do something.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

They are remodeling the downstairs basement here at work. That's the one I usually went to just because it is easier to walk down the stairs with a full bladder than up them. We aren't allowed to use the one on our floor because it's reserved for handicap use only. The resident democrats seem to have a key to that bathroom as well, so maybe they are considered handicapped as well. Anyway, the point of this is to say everytime I walk to the bathroom, I head downstairs. The bathroom doesn't work downstairs. Why can't I remember this. I end up having to walk up an extra flight of stairs. I'll keep you updated on my progress of choosing the proper stairs.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I need a break. My mind is full I think. I just need a little R&R soon and get recharged. I have next Friday off, so that will be good. Making some progress at work, which is good. Still not doing some things the way we should, but it is getting better all the time. I get so overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. One step at a time, I know. Not too many days left to the deadline. About 2 months away. September should be nice and hectic. I hope to be done testing before October even gets here. We shall see. I need a POA. Plan of action that is.

Monday, August 11, 2003

From Roaring Lambs...

We feel we are making a difference because we are so important to ourselves. We have created a phenomenal subculture with our own media, entertainment, educational system, and political hierarchy so that we have the sense that we're doing a lot. But what we've really done is create a ghetto that is easily dismissed by the rest of society.... Real people with real problems just don't care about the things we argue and fight about (with each other). What's more, they see us arguing and fighting and decide they don't need what we have.

What I'm calling for is a radically different way of thinking about our world. Instead of running from it, we need to rush into it. And instead of just hanging around the fringes of our culture, we need to be right smack dab in the middle of it.

This book challenges the common christian practice of running from the problem (ie, boycotting) and instead offers a suggestion to do something about it. Don't like something you read in the paper or in a magazine, write a letter to the editor and explain your position both passionately and effectively. Watch good tv shows instead of bad ones and let the tv stations know that you liked the show and encourage them to show others like it. When christians leave the field, there is a vacuum that is created. What do you think fills that void? If all we do is complain about things but don't do anything about them, will anyone listen or care about what we have to say?

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Right. So I test, I test, I test and test and test. It's quite busy lately, one day it will calm down. 71 days until the deadline. Can you dig it, sucka.

So Laura and I are going to facilitate a study this fall at cfc. About time I gave back to the church. I've been a leech there for about 10 years now. Getting close to 10 years at least. My how the time does fly.

Blah blah blah and yakety smackety. Just felt compelled to post even though I have nothing to say.