Wednesday, November 09, 2005

IE Cookies

If you use Microsoft's Internet Explorer, do this (full article):

Let's simply disable third-party cookies!

Microsoft hides the simple settings everyone really wants — and which all other browsers now offer — under the somewhat intimidating "Advanced..." button which discourages casual users from going there.

To access and change these "Advanced" settings, open any web browser window, then choose "Tool" and "Internet Options..." from the main menu. Next select the "Privacy" tab to see the dialog box we have been showing above.

Pressing the "Advanced..." button displays a simple dialog with exactly the settings every user wants. Now that you understand these terms, the settings you want to choose should be obvious to you:

Enable the "Override automatic cookie handling" option to enable the rest of the dialog's controls.
For First-party Cookies: Select "Accept" First-party Cookies if you want web sites to be able to remember you when you return. If you prefer to remain unknown and unidentified at the start of a return visit, you can choose to "Block" persistent first-party cookies while still allowing session-cookies.
For Third-party Cookies: You will always want to select "Block" Third-party Cookies to flatly deny any attempts by third-party Internet servers to use cookies to track your movements around the Internet. There's just no good reason to ever allow sites and servers you don't intentionally visit to plant cookies onto your computer.
For Always allow session cookies: This should always be disabled (not checked). Accepting first-party cookies includes accepting first-party session cookies, so web sites that require your browser to carry a temporary session cookie will operate without trouble.

But since "Always allowing session cookies" includes third-party session cookies — which is NOT what we want — leaving this option disabled is the only way to completely block both persistent and non-persistent third-party cookies.

The only time you might want to always allow session cookies would be if you were not always accepting all first-party cookies.

Once you have Internet Explorer's "Advanced" cookie settings configured as you want, click the "OK" button to accept them and IE's Privacy settings will show that you are using "Custom - Advanced or imported settings".


Blogger Laura said...

Or you could skip all that and use Firefox.

4:26 PM  

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